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A message to my friends….

October 10, 2021

On November 23, 2009 I sent my first blog posting over the amateur radio airwaves, now 11 years 966 postings, with 915 followers and over 106,000 hits later I think I have reached the end of the road.

Yes I know I have been long absent from my blog of late but I have a good reason…..depression and I can trace the trigger’s for this dark state to two things, my physical health and watching my country become a third world nation.

These are not idle or over the top assumptions… when you add up my weight gain because I quit smoking, cataracts, a weak heart a dead gallbladder, and COPD we have the foundation for one very dark cloud, but wait there’s more….

We once had a populace that was proud to be called American, maybe because those who lived here thought it was worth the effort and sacrifice to do it within the rule of law. Now we have an administration that has given our country literally no Southern border and its being flooded by (some) people who ignore that ‘rule of law’ (by the very fact that they crossed the border illegally), and are only looking for the advantages that only those living in America can get.

Every news report now is no longer a seed for a potential next blog, but an announcement that the America the world once looked to as a shining light of freedom and a chance for anyone to succeed was now being watered down by people who have no respect for rule of law.

Our nations leaders are

trying to spend trillions they do not have

and if they succeed

our children and grandchildren

will face

the impossible burden

of paying it back…

To those in Washington I ask

why must

‘we the people’

have a balanced budget

but our nation

can spend money

it does



12 Comments leave one →
  1. October 10, 2021 3:52 pm

    Your posts have become like an old friend to me over time – I even have a folder of your work for reference! Sorry to hear of your health battles – just wanted to let you know your writing has entertained and inspired me over the years.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. john permalink
    October 10, 2021 4:32 pm

    sorry to hear of the health issues, and I agree about the country, the so called “leaders” that we have.. this did not happen over night,, I am a very firm believer that we are either in, or heading for the last days,, Please keep the posts coming we need each other 73 john w8wej

    Liked by 1 person

  3. October 10, 2021 4:38 pm

    Your health struggles sound very difficult. Will miss your posts. Sorry you are quitting the blog. Blessings!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. TBG permalink
    October 10, 2021 5:50 pm

    Be well Pete, you need to focus on you. It’s smart to recognize that and an example for others.

    I struggle to find a way to make a difference, but that likely won’t happen for another year or so until I move back into a residence. Others are taking up the cause, we need to be involved politically. If we cede our political action then we’ll have no one to blame but ourselves.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Del Hoskins permalink
    October 11, 2021 7:21 am

    Yes Pete I agree with TBG… I know you have been having health issues so yes you should be taking care of yourself.. I am sure your son is helping too… Take care

    Liked by 1 person

  6. TriciaLynn Burokas permalink
    October 11, 2021 1:25 pm

    No. That is not how your blog is supposed to end.
    Sorry, but your your blog and what and how you have written your 966 posts deserve a better ending then what you have written here.
    You are a much better author than this. You are much more poetic and inspirational then what you have written in this post.
    And it is not fare to your 915 followers who have read so many, if not all of your posts.
    This post simply is not good enough to be the end of your blog. You are a much better author then what you have written here and I (and I am willing to bet many others) find it unacceptable.
    Also, I know first hand that you have more stories or should I say more life experiences that we the followers of your blog would enjoy reading and in fact look forward too reading. You may think that the 27 unfinished blog posts that sit on your desk are trivial and of no importance to anyone but yourself but that simply is not true.
    And unfortunately right now you just can not see that.
    And so that is why I am letting you know that we the followers of your blog not only look forward to your posts but we also don’t mind waiting a bit longer for each bee one. We want to read more and learn more from you weather it be about when you got caught doing something you weren’t supposed to be doing by the priests at Father Judge high school or the story of when you asked for Terry’s hand in marriage or when the army handed you your first MP dog and sent you clueless out onto the hills of Okinawa or sharing with us something that your father had quietly said to you as you stood beside and cared for him at the end of his time here in earth… none of those life experiences that you have had are trivial, in fact they are quit the opposite.
    And as I said at the beginning of my response. .. No, your blog does not end with this post. You are a far better writer then this post. And we the readers are not finished being moved by your posts

    Liked by 2 people

    • October 11, 2021 2:37 pm

      Tricia thank you for such a moving comment. I have to say that in the first paragraph I said (I think) I’ve reached the end of the road.There is not a night that I do not drift off composing some new posting… but like our dreams nothings there when I wake up.

      This posting was more an explanation of why I do not post as often or as passionate as I did before… unless I have died I ‘believe’ there will be more from this old man.

      …again thanks for the kick in the butt
      i needed that!


    • Jon Rukavina permalink
      October 11, 2021 4:41 pm

      Hey Trish,
      Yes, I’m still reading your father’s blogs.
      Just one thing for you.
      A few years ago a pickup passed me on the interstate here in the Twin Cities. Had an Alaska license plate but what I noticed and chuckled about was the bumper sticker on the back window of the topper:
      Another shining example of that was just read by yours truly. You go girl!
      Hope you’re doing well.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Del Hoskins permalink
    October 11, 2021 2:35 pm

    You go Girl! Sounds like a keeper Pete!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Jon Rukavina permalink
    October 11, 2021 4:54 pm

    Hello Pete,
    Saying again how saddened I am hearing about your issues. I’ve been treated for depression myself in the 80s.
    I still remember when we stopped at your house in Alaska and you greeted my wife ” Hello young lady!” Already 6 years ago.
    I hope we can & will encourage you to post those blogs that have yet to see the light of day.
    Since Biden took office the skies and country have grown increasingly dark as you said.
    Your blogs have given us perspective, at times hope, and certainly common sense in a coming to be senseless world. (15 people shot in St. Paul Sat. night)
    So carry on young man and we’ll be here in thought, spirit, and looking forward to hearing from you!🙂🙂🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. October 11, 2021 5:07 pm

    Kind of sad to hear your struggles. I have to simply turn off the news because getting stressed over what I can’t change leaves me unproductive in doing what little I can in my own tiny corner of the universe. May God grant you grace day by day to deal with your heavy list of physical battles. God bless

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Lee permalink
    October 19, 2021 10:14 pm

    It’s good to know that you are still thinking about “special” moments you have shared with others. I hope you decide to reconnect to people that care about you but have been absent in your life for one reason or another. Remember, knowing you’re loved is a very special feeling!


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